Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sixteens- Into the Gold Wave... now out in Germany, now up on iTunes

Sixteens' latest "Into the Gold Wave of Future Non Rip-off" is now available in all your favorite mp3 stores for digital consumption. Be sure to pick those up, if you're into that sort of thing (buying mp3s, that is). We'll include some link buttons right below to make it real easy for you.

Sixteens - Into the Gold Wave of Future Non Rip-Off!

(Note: these links might only work for the US stores in question, but they are available throughout the world)

For those of you who 1) still prefer to buy music in hard copy (we salute you!), and 2) live in the countries of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, "Into the Gold Wave..." is now available available throughout those countries in fine retailers everywhere, thanks to the efforts of our friends at Strobelight Records, who've so graciously distributed the CD through their own distributor at home, Al!ve. It was officially released in November, which means copies should be anxiously awaiting you on the racks in stores throughout the land, hoping to be given a new home. Think of them as puppies in the cages at the pet store.

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